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Safety Policy & Procedures
Updated 5.9.2023
At Life Church of the Nazarene, we take seriously our responsibility to provide an environment that is safe and stable in which others can grow and develop lasting relationships with the Lord and other Christians. The policies and procedures contained in this document help us achieve this goal. This is not a legal document, nor are the policies and procedures binding. This document represents our continuing effort to provide a safe environment.
I. Procedures and Policies concerning the Ministry to Minors.
A. Recruitment Policy and Procedures
Any person(s) interested in serving in Children or Youth Ministries:
is not required to be a member of the Life Church of the Nazarene.
is to have established a regular attendance record for at least three months.
is to be given the opportunity to serve as a monitored assistant during three month waiting period or before establishing commitment to confirm their decision to serve in children or youth ministries.
is to complete a “Children/Youth Ministry Application” that is kept in Life Church’s confidential file.
will read and become familiar with this Safety Policy and Procedures, acknowledging compliance with his/her signature. A copy to be kept in Life Church’s confidential file.
is aware the Children/Youth Ministry application might be presented to the pastor or church board for review and discussion regarding approval.
is to complete an interview time with the children or youth director.
all leaders of children and youth, who minister to children on a regular basis, are encouraged to successfully complete the Child Abuse Awareness Training.
will acknowledge that Life Church of the Nazarene retains the right to perform random and periodic background checks of any children or youth ministry volunteer.
lead teachers are to testify to a personal relationship with Christ and model a personal relationship with Christ and model a life of sacrifice and service for the Lord.
II. Procedures and Policies Concerning Safety of Minors
A. Sunday Check-in/Check-out Policy for Children’s Ministries
Parents/guardians are responsible for delivering their child into the child’s classroom to ensure they are in the care of an adult worker for each program.
Leaders of children and youth are to be in their rooms at least 15 minutes early to welcome students into their class.
Parents should pick up nursery through grade school children within 10 minutes of the service ending.
Only authorized persons can sign-in and/or pick up children.
Keep at least a ratio of 1 worker to 5 nursery/preschool age children and 1 worker to 10 grade school children. We will strive to have at least 2 adult leaders present at all times.
B. Behavior Policy for nursery through grade school ministries
First, it is imperative to understand that discipline at any age level is not punishment for bad behavior, instead, the very word discipline means teaching. The very kind of teaching Jesus did with his disciples. Discipline is a door of opportunity, opportunities to teach children appropriate ways to meet their needs. Discipline first serves the purpose of immediately stopping inappropriate behavior (behavior that might hurt a child, destroy property, or disrupt the group) and second teaches the child the appropriate behavior. Discipline of a child should not include any sort of negative physical touching (spanking, slapping, swatting, tapping, shaking, pulling, biting back, etc). It also should not include ridicule, sarcasm, threats, or withholding any sort of care from a child. If the need to discipline a child should arise, the following steps have been established to follow in the order they appear:
Refocus the child’s attention.
Let the child know that his/her behavior is inappropriate and give them a warning.
If behavior is severe or persistent a time out may be given. Time out should be given 1 minute per year of age.
After the appropriate length of time in “time out”, talk with the child and explain to them why his or her behavior was inappropriate.
If a time out does not work, the child may be moved to another room to stay with a trained children’s worker or taken to his/her parents.
Always inform the children’s director and parents of any disciplinary action taken.
C. Behavior Policy for Youth ministries
Behavior policy is to be determined and strictly enforced by the NYI council with the full support of the church board.
Behavior policy will include provisions to remove any teen for a set period of time from participating in the group after 2 warnings for a specific violation that has been given. (3 strikes and you’re out.)
The behavior policy is enforced any time a teen is on the church campus for any reason.
D. Bathroom Policy/Diaper Changing for Children’s Ministries
While in the care of a children’s ministry volunteer, the child is escorted to the bathroom by a children’s ministry volunteer.
Remember to wash hands after changing a diaper or wear disposable gloves.
E. Wellness Policy for Children’s Ministries
Any child or teacher with any of the following symptoms is not to participate with the other children. If a child should develop any of these symptoms while in a program, the parent/guardian will be notified, and the child will need to be picked up in a timely manner.
Fever over 99.
Vomiting in the previous 24 hours.
Diarrhea in the previous 24 hours.
Skin rashes or eruptions of unknown origin, including but not limited to: impetigo, measles, chicken pox, and so forth. (The children’s ministry department should be notified if a child has contracted any of these contagious illnesses)
Persistent coughing associated with respiratory infection, including cold, bronchitis, and so forth.
Runny nose with a yellow or green discharge, or congestion associated with a cough or fever.
Conjunctivitis (pink eye) that may also have a colored discharge or drainage.
Parasites, any form of lice, mites, or ringworm. These are not common but are highly contagious.
Only parents/guardians are allowed to administer medications.
F. Child Abuse Policy for Minors
In New York State, clergy are mandated reporters of child abuse and maltreatment. Those working with children, in churches, that are not clergy, are NOT mandated reporters Further, those volunteers working with children who may be mandated reporters outside the church are NOT mandated reporters when volunteering at the church. (A New York State mandated reporter is required to report only when acting in his or her official or professional capacity.) Therefore, to protect the reporter, the church, and the families and children, any suspicion or complaint of suspected or alleged mistreatment/abuse of any kind is to be reported to the senior pastor immediately. Only the church pastoral staff and board members would be covered by insurance from any lawsuit arising from such a report. Further, most of our volunteers are not trained as mandated reporters and therefore it is wise to include the senior pastor in any such decision. This policy is not intended to delay reporting or protect abusers, but to ensure the safety of our volunteers and our children.
In the case that reporting is deemed necessary, the Senior pastor will work closely with CPS and/or other agencies.
Any suspected or alleged child abuse by volunteers will result in temporary or permanent removal from ministry, pending the outcome of an investigation. This would be done to protect both the child and the volunteer.
To prevent accusations of child abuse against our children’s ministry volunteers, effort is made to enforce the two-deep rule at all times: That is, no adult should ever be alone with any child(ren) at any time.
G. Outside Policy for Children’s Ministry
Just like the Inside Policy, every effort to keep at least a ratio of 1 worker to 5 nursery/preschool age children and 1 worker to 10 grade school children will be made. Strive to have at least 2 adult leaders present at all times.
Stay inside designated area at all times. When a child needs to reenter the building for rest room use or any other reason, an adult must accompany him. Never let a child go anywhere unsupervised.
H. Off Premises Policy
Leaders of children and youth activities should seek approval, by a pastor, for all activities that take place outside the church property.
Permission slips must be signed for all person(s) 17 years and younger. A copy will be kept on file and with the leader.
In the event that the children/youth will be participating in an overnight activity, the following is criteria established to ensure safety:
If a ministry-sanctioned overnighter is held in a private home, homeowners are to sign an Indemnity and Waiver of Claim form, releasing the church from liability.
Enforce the “two-deep” rule.
All volunteers, and chaperones, that will be attending are to be approved by the pastor.
Modest sleepwear is required for kids and adults alike.
Guys and girls are to sleep in separate rooms-preferably with some rooms inbetween.
Ensure a safe lock-in by doing regular security checks of all windows and doors. No child/youth is permitted to enter or exit the building after the predetermined and posted curfew.
J. Emergency Weather, Drills and Evacuation Procedures
July will be designated “safety month” with the incorporation of fire/danger drills/training.
All volunteers should be trained and made aware of emergency evacuation/shelter procedures. If it is discovered a child is missing an adult may be sent to search for the child if conditions are safe. Shelter areas and exit routes are to be clearly posted in each classroom where children meet.
III. Teens working with Children
At the discretion of church leadership, teenagers are allowed to work with children and are encouraged to do so. They must always do so under the supervision of a trained, adult, children’s worker and only after having received adequate training and instruction regarding our safety policy. As with all volunteers, the children’s director or pastor has final authority regarding who can work with children.
IV. Caring for Children with Disabilities and Disorders
A. Inclusion
After an assessment of the child’s disability and disorders, an effort will be made to include children with disabilities and disorders. It is to be our policy to welcome and accept children who come to us in a way that shows the love of Christ.
B. Guidelines
When children with disabilities or disorders are enrolled, if suitable to all involved, efforts shall be made to provide those children with equal opportunity to participate in the same program activities as their peers.
Adaptations to the environment shall be made, when possible, if necessary.
If needed, and if available, a volunteer will be assigned to such a child to assist them with all activities and programs and to meet their special needs.
V. Nursery Cleaning Policy
A “to be cleaned” bin will be labeled for any toy or item that may have entered a child’s mouth or appears to be unsanitary. The bin will be checked and any items in the bin will be disinfected weekly. Church provided plush toys are not allowed with the exception of puppets used for teaching purposes.
A quarterly cleaning schedule will be established for any children’s ministry worker or teacher to organize and clean the rooms (and the items in the room ie. toys) utilized by children’s ministries.
All tables, doorknobs, light switches, handles and other such frequently touched fixtures are to be wiped down at the end of each class using a disinfectant wipe.
VI. Additional Nursery Information
A. What Parents Should Bring
Always include at least two disposable diapers.
Include a change of clothes.
A plastic bottle of water, juice, or milk.
Please label everything - bag, blankets, coats, bottles, pacifiers, sweaters, toys, etc.
If a pacifier is to be used, please have it attached to the child with a safety approved device.
B. Drop Off, Pick Up, Crying Child
Nursery workers and parents are encouraged to make the drop off quickly.
Nursery workers are encouraged to quickly take a crying child and seek to distract them.
Parents should be assured that if the child continues crying for 10 minutes they will be contacted.
C. Feeding and Medicine
Bottles will be given to infants.
Medicine will not be administered and should not be placed in bottles by the parents.